John Hann
Advanced Architectural Patterns with Backbone and cujoJS
There's more to client-side architecture than models, collections, and events.
In this talk, you'll see architecturally sound patterns that can scale your codebase linearly, facilitate cross-functional iterative development, and free your code from obsolescence and dependency lock-in. And because your modules are smaller, more understandable, and more testable, you'll sleep soundly at night, too.
Specifically, we'll discuss data binding, aspect oriented programming, function pipelines, dependency inversion, application composition, promises/futures, and DOM state manipulation using OOCSS and monads.
All code samples will be shown using backbone and cujoJS, the JavaScript Architectural Toolkit, but the concepts are universal and practical. Where applicable, we'll note forthcoming and evolving standards.
Bring a helmet cuz ur head's gonna asplode.